Farmdeck connecting even the remotest farms

Having IoT sensors installed on farm is a great way to create a seamless and efficient farm management experience. But its success depends in part on the connectivity available on a farm.

Through smart technology integration, farmers can address numerous concerns, automate tasks, and gain a deeper understanding of their farms, livestock and land requirements. While this technology is great, one of the major barriers facing adoption is low to no connectivity, experienced on rural farms.
“This is why, even in the remotest areas, Farmdeck uses numerous connectivity options, like the LoraWan gateway tower and even Satellite, to get farmers connected,” says resident Farmdeck expert and farmer, Shervin Fathinia. This means that Farmdeck can cover 100% of Australia, no matter how remote a farm’s location is. Once a farm is connected, Farmdeck’s IoT sensors are extremely beneficial.

The success of your on-farm IoT capability depends on connectivity. Farmers who are starting their IoT journey, should consider LoRaWAN for their spaces.
LoRaWAN is a low power, wide area network protocol designed to wirelessly connect battery-operated sensors and devices to the internet in a wide range of networks. If farmers want greater insight into their land and farming activities that will require having more than five IoT sensors deployed on their property (these sensors then provide Farmdeck’s user-friendly dashboard with invaluable data that is displayed in a tangible and easy-to-view format giving farmers crucial insight into their farming operations). Not only that, but it’s scalable, meaning farmers can increase the number of sensors on farm and it doesn’t rely on consistent 3G/4G connectivity because of how it operates – providing consistent and reliably connectivity.

What Farmdeck has discovered is that connectivity “is an issue for many farmers who then resort to building expensive private networks to cope with this problem. Many farmers simply don’t have connectivity because private networks are too expensive to setup,” explains Farmdeck’s founder and CEO Marco Delgado “But with Farmdeck, the fact that we ingest many different technologies – including Satellite [as an option for connectivity in even the remotest areas] – means that we can cover 100% of the earth’s surface.” Transforming traditional farms into smart, more efficient and streamlined operations has never been easier – no matter the farm’s location.
Farmdeck’s solution delivers the end-to-end farm management solution: connectivity, network, sensors, data processing, application – it’s all inclusive. Try Farmdeck for free to download and use – there are no obligations, and no credit card is needed.