Winston the farm dog from Delungra

Winston the farm dog from Delungra

Real name and nicknames 

My name is Winston, and I am sticking to it. Please don’t call me Winny.

Favourite thing to do on the farm? 

I love to play ball games, swim in the dam, and play with my friends Bruce and Gizmo. We love to sing on a Sunday morning, and I think we’ve become pretty good it, as we’ve been practicing for a long time now. We’re the only dog band in the area.

What is your worst habit? 

I try to do the right thing and I love to please others, but I have been caught eating the goose eggs. I love putting the chooks to bed and occasionally I get a little excited if one gets away. I have been known to catch one, leaving me with a mouth full of feathers, but I would never eat one! 

What is your favourite food? 

Everything. I live to eat. I always keep an eye out for when the chooks are let out, as then I creep into their yard and clean up all the scraps they haven’t eaten. If I’m lucky I might find an egg to eat!

If you became famous for one thing, what would it be? 

Finishing my dinner before anyone else. These days I must eat my food out of a muffin cooking tin because I eat too fast, which leads to a tummy ache. So, I get six small meals really. I’m sure there’s a word that chefs use for that.

What do you dream of?

I would love to have a girlfriend, but I don’t think that is on the cards unfortunately.

Favourite experience of late?

I really enjoyed it when the photographer came to take photos of our cotton fields. He also took lots of photos of me and I showed him how well behaved I was – sitting and staying until I was called up for my photoshoot. You never know where this could lead. I heard that I could end up in a magazine called The Farmer. Maybe I’ll be the cover star…

Meet some of Winston’s farm dog friends: Floss the Boss from Brownlow Hill, Banjo Bake from Crossmaglen and Jinxy from Walgett.

One thought on “Winston the farm dog from Delungra

  1. Hi I’m trying to re home our dog Willow who is nearly 6 months. She needs a friend to run free with. Willow was bought from the RSPCA as an 11 week old pup as a companion dog for my paraplegic son but unfortunately Willow is too dominant for us both and can be a bit aggressive this is why she would suit being with another dog. Willow is a staffy x with possible kelpie. Willow is very intelligent and switched on and also a quick learner. We have had a behavioral trainer out, a vet nurse that shows and trains Dobermans and next week starting behavioral training for 6 sessions. I have tried my best to re home her but nobody can help that is why I am reaching out to you. We want Willow to enjoy her life and obviously we are not coping.
    Kind Regards Kate

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