Host a Free Farm Morning Tea on us!

Musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) can have major impact on you or your workers’ health. Find out how to manage MSD at your farm by hosting an MSD Farm Morning Tea.

Many farming jobs involve hazardous manual tasks such as lifting, lowering, pushing, pulling, carrying, holding or restraining things or animals. Most farmers know that these tasks can lead to musculoskeletal disorders (MSDs) such as back, joint and bone injuries and degeneration, sprains and strains, nerve injuries, hernias and chronic pain. That’s why health and quality of life improves immensely when MSD hazards are effectively controlled.

The total number of MSD injuries each year is hard to state as many occur gradually over a long period of time and may go unreported. However, the NSW State Insurance Regulatory Authority reported there were over 2600 workers compensation claims, due to MSD related injuries (including musculoskeletal, connective tissue disease, and “body stressing” injuries) in agriculture, forestry and fishing industries between July 2018 – March 2022.
So, to help reduce the number of MSD injuries, SafeWork NSW is now working with farm owners and workers throughout NSW to discuss ways to control MSDs on farms. Over morning tea, a SafeWork inspector will talk through the best way to identify and fix MSD issues and share simple solutions from like-minded farmers.
Sounds interesting, here is how to get involved.

Who can host a MSD Farm Morning Tea?
If your farming business has less than 50 full-time workers, you may be eligible for a free Musculoskeletal Disorder (MSD) Farm Morning Tea.
What happens at the MSD Farm Morning Tea?
A local SafeWork NSW Inspector will come to your farm, provide a morning tea with light catering, and facilitate discussions with you and up to 6 guests (minimum 3 guests) about how to recognise and manage hazardous manual tasks, including MSD at your farm.
Following the morning tea, you will receive a report which outlines what was discussed and any priorities you agree can be actioned.
How can I host a MSD Farm Morning Tea?
To request an MSD Farm Morning Tea on your farm, just visit the SafeWork NSW website and complete a form. It only takes about 5 minutes. MSD Farm Morning Tea | SafeWork NSW
For more information about MSD visit