Real name and nickname: Banjo Bake. Banj for short. Favourite thing to do on the…
Farm dogs: Moët from Harden

Where do you live?
Harden, on the South West Slopes.
Real name and nickname:
My name’s Moët, like the Champagne. Sometimes I get Mojo. Other times my
dad calls me a national treasure –I’m pretty sure he’s right.
What is your favourite thing to do on the farm?
When dad gets out the rifle, I’ve been known to go a bit ballistic. I love spotlighting!
Have you ever done something really naughty?
We had a bit of a fox problem and dad laid a fox trap down at the creek. I couldn’t help myself! It looked so interesting… so dad had to get me back out of it the next morning. He didn’t call me a national treasure that day.
What is your worst habit?
There are all these great smells on the farm! Sheep poo. Dead stuff. All so nice to roll around in. Then I score a nice wash in the laundry tub, but mum and dad don’t seem as happy as me about that.
What is your favourite food?
Kangaroo meat. Every day!
If you became famous for one thing, what would it be?
I’m a champion truck unloader at the saleyards. I have to wear my muzzle but it’s worth it. It’s my true calling.
Is there something that drives your parents mad?
The road is about a kilometre away but I’m a Jack Russell so you can’t get anything past me. I’ll bark at every passing vehicle, just to let everyone know I’m onto it.
If you could have another animal as a friend, what would it be and why?
Digby the giant black cat that shares my people. He’s a legend. Don’t let people tell you dogs and cats can’t be mates.
Favourite toy or thing to play with?
My squeaky pink pig. I put in 20 minutes every night with it, just to keep it in line.
What does everyone love about you?
What’s not to love? I’ve got loyalty coming out of my ears – nothing is too good for my mum and dad. If someone turns up at the door, I even make sure I sit between them and my humans to keep them safe and let them know I’m here for them.
Any last words?
Don’t turn up when mum and dad aren’t here, because I might bite. But that’s all part of being a national treasure.
If you enjoyed meeting Moët, you might like to meet Digger, The Farmer magazine dog.