Time to boost your lucerne crop? Make the most of your fertiliser budget with an advanced nitrogen input

For many farmers, the standard protocol for lucerne fertiliser avoids the use of nitrogen fertilisers, because it is believed it can make the nitrogen-fixing bacteria “lazy”.
But this is not the case. One of the main reasons that many farmers do not apply basic soluble fertilisers, such as urea, on legumes is due to the high rates of acidification, and the effect this may have on beneficial soil microbes that “fix” atmospheric nitrogen.

For those who do soil-apply conventional nitrogen fertilisers to pasture, nitrogen losses range from 10% to 60% depending on conditions, with high nitrogen losses when urea is applied to wet soils. For many farmers, given the high price for urea, such losses are unsustainable.
However, when applied in a non-acidifying form, lucerne responds greatly to nitrogen and the results can be impressive.

NitrotainTE27, from ECTOL Plant & Crop Nutrients, is a highly efficient liquid fertiliser that is slow-release and non-acidifying. It contains 27% total nitrogen that is fully utilised, as well as potassium, sulphur, magnesium and trace elements.
The results of NitrotainTE27 are even more dramatic when applied with a natural plant promotant, such as ECTOL Protect & Grow.
ECTOL Protect & Grow, is a unique plant organic fertiliser, which stimulates growth, and increases starch, protein and yields in wheat, and total metabolizable dry matter in pasture.
Rob McLeod grows Lucerne near Bathurst and applies both products after each cut.
“We’ve been using NitrotainTE27 and ECTOL Protect and Grow for eight years now. They give a really good response to legumes. Every year the paddocks are constantly getting better and better. It just makes them jump,” said Mr McLeod.
As John McKay from ECTOL states, the benefits of trace elements, such as those available in NitrotainTE27, should not be underestimated when growing pasture.
“Many micro-nutrients, which are essential to pasture growth, may not be available to the plant from the soil. Micro-nutrients are frequently bound in clays and organic matter, or as insoluble deposits, and therefore are best applied as a chelated foliar spray,” said John McKay, Director, ECTOL Plant & Crop Nutrients.

“We recommend farmers to apply 10L/ha of NitrotainTE27 plus 2L/ha of ECTOL Protect & Grow after emergence, grazing or cutting, at a cost of approximately $60 per hectare. These rates can be varied with crop and soil conditions and farm economics,” added Mr McKay.
All ECTOL liquid fertilisers are made in Australia and readily available. For higher yields, healthier crops and extended growth periods, contact the team today.
www.ectol.com/nitrotainte | +61 02 9816 2057 | [email protected]
Watch Rob McLeod’s video lucerne fertiliser and the use of ECTOL liquid products here: