Gain insight and improve farm operations with Farmdeck

Through new agriculture technologies, farmers are gaining better insight, improving land management practices and biodiversity, while also gaining a deeper understanding of livestock needs and streamlining farming operations.
Pushing the future of farming to the next level, the Internet of Things (IoT) is making high-tech farms the standard in farming. It is estimated that by 2023 nearly 12 million agricultural sensors will be installed globally. These agtech solutions are already contributing to giving farmers better insight, improving operational efficiencies, time management and bottom line.

As farms are becoming more tech savvy, Luca Palermo, IoT Lead at Farmdeck shares some of the most popular features with their Australian customers.
- Normalised Difference Vegetation Index (NDVI) – by leveraging satellite imaging of live green vegetation in a specific area, farmers can receive an accurate reading of the health of their pasture. This data is especially useful to plan grazing rotations.
- Weather stations – by providing an accurate reading of the weather on property coupled with automated recording capability on the Farmdeck platform, connected weather stations offer a consolidated weather history. Comparing data from the last few months or years has helped Farmdeck customers make decisions around actions to optimise crop growth and grazing.
- Livestock IoT solutions – using an online platform to keep a consolidate view and history of the livestock on property is already a massive step forward, but adding in IoT tracking devices brings farm efficiency to the next level. IoT cattle collars and RFID sheep ear tags are great ways to facilitate the real-time tracking, counting, and identification of livestock. Both these solutions collect data which can be tracked on the Farmdeck platform. Not only does it help customers reduce time manually finding and counting their livestock, but it also decreases theft as alerts can be setup for when livestock is monitored leaving the property.
- Water level monitoring – by remotely monitoring the water levels of dams, troughs, tanks, etc. in real-time, Farmdeck customers are removing the need to physically venture out to manually monitor the levels. In turns, it not only saves them time and money, but also increases security on farm and reduces water wastage and risks of livestock going without water.

Through the various IoT solutions from Farmdeck, farmers have created significant improvements in their daily farm activities. It has saved them time and money, given them a better understanding of what their livestock needs, and enabled them to discover exactly what their land needed to thrive.