Episode 3 After the storm – disaster recovery with GIVIT

In this episode, CEO of WFI Insurance Andrew Beer chats with GIVIT CEO Sarah Tennant, about how GIVIT is helping Australians who have been impacted by natural disasters.
This year to date, there have already been countless storm, flood and bushfire events impacting communities across Australia. Regional communities are particularly vulnerable to these weather events, and people sometimes find themselves in precarious situations having lost all or most of their possessions.
That’s where GIVIT comes to the fore, helping those in need. Partnering with governments and other businesses, GIVIT is a unique Australian organisation that acts as a “matchmaker” between those who need support, and people who want to offer their help or donate goods.
As you’ll hear in this podcast, their impact in helping people recover from disasters has been remarkable.
“Our goal with the ‘Good People to Know’ podcast is to draw on experts across the country to share their knowledge and provide a positive impact across rural and regional Australia.”
To access WFI’s ‘Good People to Know’ podcast: Good People to Know | Podcast on Spotify or directly via QR code:

Disclaimer: WFI’s parent company IAG, has provided funding to GIVIT to help support disaster impacted communities.