Thousands of Australian primary school aged children are set to benefit from a new three-year…
Kids to Farms program more accessible for NSW schools

The Kids to Farms program, a federal government initiative that is being delivered to NSW schools by NSW Farmers, has received another boost with schools now able to apply for grants of up to $1500 to help cover the costs of excursions to farms and other agricultural sites.
The Kids to Farms program began in May and will continue to run in NSW schools until December 2022. For more information about the program, please click here.
It is based on a “2 by 12” strategy, with the idea being that every child will have two educational interactions with agriculture before they turn 12 so they better understand where their food comes from and how a farm works.

“Where a few decades ago most people had a connection to farming, our younger generations are less exposed to this vital aspect of Australia’s social and economic fabric,” said Charlotte Groves, Young Farming Council Member from NSW Farmers.
“The Kids to Farms Program is an initiative seeking to close that gap, but some schools face a financial barrier in accessing the program.”
Grants of up to $1,500 will be available for excursions conducted between 12 July 2021 and 17 December 2021.
Larger grants may be applied for and will be considered based on merit of the planned activity and the value it will bring to students.

The funding must be applied for one month prior to the excursion taking place and will be in the form of a reimbursement once the excursion has taken place.
“Those interested in conducting an excursion in August should flag their interest now with NSW Farmers,” Charlotte said.
If you have any questions about the funding program, please contact the Kids to Farms team at [email protected] or 02 9478 1067.
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