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Free Drought Preparedness course

Drought preparedness is at the forefront of farmer’s minds even when grazing paddocks are flush with feed.
La Nina will not hang around forever and as the climate warms, farmers know it’s more important than ever to prepare for climatic extremes.
Resource Consulting Services (RCS) has field tested effective drought management strategies with thousands of landholders, across Australia’s unique environments for over 30 years.
Now with the financial support of the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund, RCS has created a free online program to share that knowledge with Australia’s farmers and graziers.

Chief of Delivery at RCS, David McLean, said the course encourages collaboration between all members of the on-farm team to develop a property specific drought management plan that incorporates strategies for their land, livestock, people, and business.
“Everyone who does the course has the opportunity to come away with a meaningful and practical plan to prepare for a drought, manage in a drought and recover from a drought,” Mr Mclean said.
“The approach allows landholders to minimise negative impacts and set themselves up for ecological, financial and productive wins.
“It is flexible and self-paced, incorporating case studies that showcase successful localised practices and increasing drought resilience from across the nation.”
The course participant’s time investment is approximately 6 to 10 hours, plus the ongoing development of their drought management plan to keep on top of the lessons learned throughout its implementation.
“We hope landholders find great value in the course content and become well placed financially, mentally and ecologically – no matter which of the three stages of drought they find themselves in – today or in the future.”
Enrol in the RCS Drought Preparedness Course here.
RCS is Australia’s leading provider of holistic, integrated education, training, and advisory services to the agricultural sector. It works with individuals, families, corporates, and government groups, empowering them to grow productive, profitable agricultural businesses within regenerative landscapes.
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