A dust storm driven by strong wind in the Central West. On March 10, the…
Empowering producers to prepare for drought

The Southern Queensland and Northern NSW (SQNNSW) and Southern NSW (SNSW) Drought Innovation Hubs are two of eight national Drought Resilience Adoption and Innovation Hubs, a flagship of the Australian Government’s Future Drought Fund.
The four-year Hub program is designed to empower producers and communities to grow resilience and capacity in managing climate variability through innovation, collaboration and building capability.
Staff from the program attended the NSW Farmers Annual Conference last week to engage with farmers from across the state as they prepare for a looming dose of dry times.

“We extend a warm thank you to for having us at the 2023 NSW Farmers Conference in Rosehill last week,” said SNSW Hub Program Manager, Mary Goodacre
“We appreciate the honesty and openness shown to us by so many farmers and we continue to welcome your feedback and wonderful suggestions around preparing for drought,” said SQNNSW Hub Manager Leia Grimsey
Mary said farmers can continue to reach out via [email protected] or [email protected].
The SQNNSW Hub Node Network
The SQNNSW Hub is made up of several nodes, with varying priorities depending on regional issues.
- Armidale (University of New England) – focus on livestock and broadacre cropping industries, their supply chains and communities
- Lismore (Southern Cross University) – focus on sugarcane, tree crops and beef industries in Northern NSW and Southern Queensland
- Narrabri (New South Wales LLS) – focus on cotton, broadacre grains and the grazing regions of Northern NSW.
The SNSW Hub Knowledge Broker Network
The SNSW Hub is made up of a knowledge broker network in Albury, Bega, Bombala, Bourke, Buronga, Condobolin, Deniliquin, Finley, Gouldurn, Holbrook, Kerang, Lismore, Moss Vale, Mulwala, Narrandera, Temora and Woollongong.
They work on the ground with communities, industries and stakeholders to identify needs in building drought resilience, and implement research and practices that build capacity and capability through training and mentoring.

Drought Hub Activities and Events
The Hubs are currently undertaking a wide range of tailored activities throughout NSW, including:
- Armidale – Enhancing Ag360 and Farming Family Reboot
- Bingara – Business Growth in Challenging Times
- Bottle Ben Reserve – Climate Variability Recovery Work
- Bunyula – Farming for Climate Resilience and Productivity Field Day
- Coolamon – Future Drought Farm Planning
- Coonamble – Sheep Droughtlotting Tour
- Delungra – Soil Management Workshop
- Dubbo – NSW DPI Farm Business Resilience Program
- Dundee – Pasture Walks
- Emmaville – Best Practice Water Infrastructure Producer Demonstration
- Glen Innes – Animal health and nutrition
- Kyogle – Reviving Wetlands
- Lismore – Holistic decision-making workshop & Primary Producer Engagement Program for Northern Rivers Net Zero Project & Regen ag school teacher program
- Moree – AgTech Events and Northern Slopes Landcare workshops
- Narrabri – Agritech Futures Showcase
- Palmvale – Adapting Agriculture of Climate Disruption
- Quirindi – Livestock Nutrition Workshop
- Tamworth – AgSmart Trade Show
- Walcha – Rotary Youth in Ag Sheep Event and Northern Pastures Group Walk
- Walgett – Livestock Nutrition Workshops
- Warialda – Animal health and nutrition and Business Growth in Challenging Times
- Wongwibinda – MLA Producer Demonstration Site Field Day
- Wyrallah – Natural Sequencing Farming
You can connect with the drought hubs on Facebook (@SQNNSWHub or @SouthernNSWHub) or subscribe to their newsletters at SQNNSWnewsletter or SNSWnewsletter.
Read more co-investing in drought resilience through the Farm Innovation Fund.