
Building carbon in cropping soils

Building carbon in cropping soils

There’s plenty of chatter about sustainable supply chains and soil carbon projects – but rarely in cropping systems. We all know there are challenges with building carbon in cropping soils, but with the release of Loam Bio’s CarbonBuilder seed inoculum, building soil carbon in cropping systems has just got a whole lot easier.

Loam is delivering solutions for farmers to build stable soil carbon, deliver carbon neutral produce, and participate in carbon markets.

SecondCrop by Loam combines the ground-breaking CarbonBuilder technology with soil carbon project options that include no upfront costs, exit clauses of convenience, and agronomic support. Loam has designed these soil carbon project options for mixed and cropping systems, minimising the downside for farm businesses, and making it easier for growers to ‘just get started’.

But don’t just take our word for it.

Come along to our first Soil Carbon Project Field Day to chat to growers who are participating in SecondCrop carbon projects and have been trialling the CarbonBuilder seed treatment this season.

Soil Carbon Field Day

When: 9am – 3.30pm, 29 September 2023

Where: Nicholson & Sons property, ‘Coraver’ near Forbes

Who: Growers, along with on-farm and off-farm advisors

What: Join Steve Nicholson, the first grower to participate in a SecondCrop soil carbon project to see how a project actually works, the strategies for increasing soil carbon in this system, and the co-benefits that increased soil carbon brings to the whole farm.

Let us know if you can make it to the Field Day by RSVPing here or if you can’t make it, complete our Grower Interest Survey and one of the Loam team will be in touch to chat about how SecondCrop and CarbonBuilder can provide benefits and the solutions you have been researching for your farming system.

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