NSW Farmers’ Association Tertiary Scholarship program

NSW Farmers’ Association Tertiary Scholarship program

Five outstanding NSW students have been named as the 2020 recipients of the NSW Farmers’ Association Tertiary Scholarship program, which will help support them as they continue their studies and look to a future on the land.

NSW Farmers’ President James Jackson commended all five recipients for their dedication to their study and their appreciation of farming as well as the role agriculture is playing and will continue to play in Australia’s prosperity.

“Agriculture is a vibrant, global, and highly competitive industry and NSW Farmers, through the awarding of five scholarships annually, aims to support and encourage the achievement of excellence by the future workforce.

“Agriculture is well-placed to become the next $100 billion industry and it will need the innovative thinking and skills of the next crop of young farmers and service providers. That’s why we are proud to have provided these NSW Farmers Tertiary Scholarships since 1993 and recognise the value of education to the future of agriculture.”

NSW Farmers’ President James Jackson

The winners of the Tertiary Scholarships

Emelia Inwood – John White Memorial Scholarship
Hometown: Glanmire, NSW
University:  University of New England – Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Laws

Emelia Inwood is combining a Bachelor of Agriculture with a Bachelor of Laws at the University of New England

Emelia grew up on a property near Glanmire, NSW, and fosters a love of farming and rural pursuits by working full time on her family’s farm during university holidays. She is inspired by her father Michael’s focus on innovative approaches to manage environmental sustainability and profitable commercial farming.

Emelia is the Deputy Senior Resident Tutor and Head of Academics at her residential college, and secretary of both the UNE’s Ag/Law society and the NSW Young Farmers New England Tablelands Branch.

Emelia’s legal interests include conflict between mining and agriculture; foreign land acquisition; water rights; and the ‘right to farm’.  As a passionate advocate for advances
in agriculture and rural communities she aims to become involved in agricultural consultancy and policy to effect this change, utilising the skills and knowledge provided
by her degree.

Hannah Cargill – E.L. O’Brien Scholarship
Hometown: Braidwood, NSW
University: University of New England – Bachelor of Agriculture/Bachelor of Business

Hannah Cargill of Braidwood is undertaking a Bachelor of Agriculture and a Bachelor of Business at University of New England

Hannah grew up on an Angus beef enterprise near Braidwood, NSW. Her passion for the beef industry led her to join the Angus Youth Society, helping to organise Angus Youth Roundup events. 

Since beginning her studies, Hannah has worked as an economic analyst at Grains Research Development Corporation (GRDC) and with the CSIRO on wheat genetics.

Hannah is Chair of the New England Young Farmers Branch, a NSW Young Farmers Councillor, and a member of the NSW Farmers’ Sheepmeat committee. She is also the Careers Fair Coordinator for UNE Farming Futures Committee.

Hannah looks forward to supporting rural and regional agricultural businesses to reinforce and strengthen resilience, while also increasing retention of young people in rural and regional communities to build the future of the agricultural industry.

Amy Vincent – Alan Chapman Memorial Scholarship
Hometown: Piallaway, NSW
University: University of Newcastle – Bachelor of Nursing

Amy Vincent is in her final year of nursing at the University of Newcastle and is excited to give back to the rural sector once she has finished her studies

Amy was raised on a property in Piallaway, NSW where her family operates an Angus Stud, and Amy assists with marketing and preparations for the Stud’s annual sales.

In her final year of a nursing degree, Amy plans to use her qualifications to give back to the rural sector.  She believes nursing has a vital role in thriving rural communities, enabling those who live and work in rural areas.  This includes increasing access to good healthcare at home rather than being forced to travel long distances to access basic healthcare.

Upon completing her degree Amy intends to complete a diploma in Midwifery with the intent that by gaining both Registered Nurse and Midwifery qualifications they will enable her to work in smaller rural hospitals and alleviate the need for rural health professionals.

Angus Wilson – Graham Blatch Memorial Goobang Scholarship
Hometown: Pearces Creek, NSW
University: Charles Sturt University – Bachelor of Dental Science

Angus Wilson of Pearces Creek is studying to become a dentist and believes inequities in rural healthcare needs to be urgently addressed

Angus grew up on his family’s sheep and cattle property near Barraba, NSW before moving with his family to a beef and pecan nut property near Lismore, NSW.  He returns to the Barraba district to work on sheep, cattle and crop properties and volunteers at the local primary school.

Angus has witnessed the hardships and inequities faced by those living in small rural communities and this led to a passion in him to help bridge the services gap.  He believes that access to adequate healthcare is a right for all Australians. 

Angus understands the unique requirements of a rural healthcare practitioner: to not only practice safely, but to integrate effectively into the community and respect its values and culture.  Angus hopes that his background in agriculture, dental science studies, and deep engagement with rural communities will improve the lives of regional and remote residents.

Phillipa Donaldson – Paul Lockyer Memorial Scholarship
Hometown:  Willala, NSW
University:  University of New England / Bachelor of Psychology with Honours

Phillipa Donaldson is studying psychology and is looking forward to working in rural and remote areas once she has finished her studies

Phillipa grew up on her family’s property near Boggabri, NSW and continues to work and participate in sporting activities.  She loves the rural lifestyle, helping out on the family farm or assisting her mum, a local veterinarian. 

After high school Phillipa worked on cattle stations in remote areas of Western Australia and the NT.  Her passion for mental health services developed from these experiences and her concern for appropriate resourcing of mental health services in rural and remote areas.

On completing her studies, Phillipa intends to work as a clinical psychologist in regional and remote areas, particularly to establish a mobile practice.  She hopes this local service model increases access in regional, remote and isolated communities.  Phillipa hopes to encourage other practitioners to prioritise service delivery in rural areas.

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