Flood run to clean up Agvet chemicals

Agsafe, in collaboration with the NSW Environment Protection Authority (EPA), is holding a ChemClear ‘Flood run’ to collect damaged or affected chemicals in the Southern and Central West regions of NSW.
This is a free service for both drumMUSTER eligible products and for non-drumMUSTER products thanks to Commonwealth and NSW Government assistance. It has been partly funded by a grant from the NSW EPA through the joint Commonwealth-State Disaster Recovery Funding Arrangements.
Register your flood affected agvet chemicals by 17 February here.
Agsafe General Manager Dominique Doyle said this collection of flood impacted agricultural chemicals will assist in the recovery process following the floods.
“This ChemClear campaign is designed to enable the safe and secure removal of flood impacted agricultural chemicals from farms and out of rural communities at no cost to people who register, to help reduce any potential environmental impact,” Dominique said.