With over 280 fatalities Australia-wide over the last 20 years and five deaths in NSW due to rollovers in the last 18 months, quad bikes continue to be the biggest killer on Australian farms. Quad bike rollover is the leading cause of death.
In October, new legislation will come into effect by the Australian Competition and Consumer Commission (ACCC), which calls to mandate all new and second hand imported quad bikes sold in Australia be pre-fitted with roll bars at point of sale.
Roll bars, or operator protective devices, are designed to protect riders from being crushed or pinned underneath the quad bike in the event of a roll over.
SafeWork NSW has been long-term advocates for improving quad bike safety, introducing the Quad Bike Safety Improvement Program in 2016.
Minister for Better Regulation, Kevin Anderson, said the NSW Government supports the new Quad Bike Safety Standard.
“We have been looking at quad bike safety for some time now and not one of the quad bike rollover fatalities reported in Australia had a roll bar fitted,” Mr Anderson said.
“A roll bar and wearing a helmet can make all the difference between a minor incident and a life-long injury – or even death,” Mr Anderson said.
Ben Watts, a farmer from Orange in Central West NSW, with 32 years’ experience riding quad bikes believes putting a roll bar on a quad bike is a no-brainer.
“When I didn’t have a roll bar and I rolled, I remember lying there with the pain of fractured ribs and the taste of blood in my mouth. All I could think about was making it home to my family. That’s why I installed roll bars.” Mr Watts said.
Mr Anderson said that the NSW Quad Bike Safety Rebate and Free Training Program is still on offer and also announced an additional $3.7 million in funding to extend the program until June 2023.
“Up to $2000 can be claimed in safety rebates including $600 for each roll bar (ATV lifeguard or quad bar flexi). Rebates for helmets, drones and SSVs are available too.”
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